Sridevi Siri Nandanam in Bowenpally, Hyderabad is a popular society in the city, it is well made and has all the amenities you need. You get ample & dedicated parking space for bike with this home.
Security is a priority in this society, the premises is secured with cctv at all critical points. From fire safety to general safety, this society has thought of it all. You won't have to only look for houses on the ground floor, there are elevator that you can use to get you to any floor. If you like doing some cardio, or just like to focus on weights, this society has a gym that you should check out. Working from home is convenient as this society has reliable generator for back up. Being sustainable as a society is very important, we have started by having a rainwater harvesting in the society. In line with the government mandate, and the best practises, there is a waste treatment plant on the premises.