Narmada Paying Guests (NPG) is similar to homestays, providing with a more home-like environment than a hostel. NPGs provide private or shared rooms within a residential HOME only for students or working women with single/shared facilities.
The paying guest have to fill up police information form and submit their photo identity proof along with two passport size photographs to the owner. The identity proof would include a RTO license, passport, adhar card or any other photo identity issued by a recognized authority.
1. Newly Built, fresh and airy ventilation, open to sun light, clean, and higenic environment.
2. Biometric door entry, CCTV in premises for entrance security with complete safety and privacy on the floor.
3. Solar / Hot water daily 6 to 9 am daily.
4. Electrical back up for fan and light per room in case of power breakdown.
5. Home Lift, A/C, Single bed, Coupboard, Study table, Chair, Green Board, Fan , 24 hrs filtered UV PMC water. Washing machine is avilable in the commen passage for all members on the floor. It is avilable for all on periodic and gentle handling .
6. MSEB bills will charged extra and shared among all the floor member's.
7. Medical attendance when needed.
8. Single two wheeler parking for individual.
9. Homemade Food or tiffin avilable at door step if needed.
10. Deposit amount will not be considered as rent and will be refunded only after completing the scheduled tenure.
11. Cleaning of floor, bathroom and WC will be done regularly. But it's will be the liability of all the residents to keep them higenic and healthy.
1. No Parent/ Guardian/ Visitor/ Friend is allowed to stay in their room. Male visitors are not allowed to visit students inside the NPG premises.
2. No relatives, friends of resident guests are allowed keep any vehicle in OR outside the premises.
3. Use of narcotics, consumption of alcoholic beverages, Smoking and gambling are strictly prohibited in the NPG premises.
4. No one should be partying in the rooms, in the corridors or anywhere in the premises whatever be the occasion.
5. The management reserves the right to break open the rooms in case of violations of PG rules, suspected unlawful activities and security risk cases or where the student is absent from his / her room for a long period without prior information or any valid reason.
6. Any act of intimidation or violence, willful damage to property or drunken and riotous behavior constitutes an offence. If anybody is found to do so, without serving any notice in this regard and pending disciplinary action she shall be liable
for expulsion.
7. Misbehavior or Indulging in a row with owners / neighbors will be treated as an offence and will be liable for expulsion.
8. Residents are expected to display acceptable forms of behavior anywhere within and outside the premises.
9. Noise level, volume of music system, etc., Pranks, ragging and rowdy games in any form are strictly prohibited.
10. Sticking / pasting/ Drawing or Display of any type of posters, calendars, and other material on the wall in the premises OR inside the allotted rooms is strictly prohibited. Anyone found doing so shall be fined Rs. 5000/- for subsequent offences and at last expulsion.
11. Any damage / breakage of hostel property will be charged to the occupants of the room with a fine. Disciplinary action will also be initiated.
12. Cooking in hostel rooms is not permitted.
13. All resident guests must be back in the premises by 10.00 p.m. Gates will be locked by 10:00 pm strictly.(In case of emergency inform previously)
14. The PG inmates should take care for the safety of their belongings inside the room. The owner shall not be responsible for any such losses. Items like jewelry, costly watches and mobile phones, laptops must not to be kept open inside the room.
15. Use of room heaters, heating coils, and any other electrical appliances other than cell phone charger, laptop charger are not permitted.
Including all the terms and conditions, NPG welcomes you to make yourselves comfortable at your *Home Away From Home..!!*??????
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