Owner Contact Mrs Shetty +*********209 99
NO SMOKING , NO DRINKING , NO Boys Entry, NO Guardians Stay, Non-Veg Allowed.
Other Costs included in the rent like Electricity bill, Maid, Toiletries, use of Gas and Fridge, and other Maintenance charges.
No restrictions if you keep informed about your whereabouts (location and time you return back home)
Share Rickshaw to/from Thane Station available just from below the building. Mess/Grocery Shops/Restaurants/FoodPoints/ATM accessible at walking distance.
Cadbury Junction and Nitin Company stops are nearby.
Cooking Facility (GAS and Fridge) available depending on the cleanliness maintained by you. Bring your utensils and groceries you can cook but maintain hygiene.
Water Purifier and Gyser available.
2 rooms with 2 beds in each room, along with Cupboards for storage available.
Owner will stay with you in the same flat in another room.