Livability Score is a measure of proximity of the property to essential facilities and amenities on a scale of 0 to 10
Transit Score is a measure of how well a property is served by public transit on a scale from 0 to 10
Powered By: Smart Recommendation
Small Business
Primary assets(interior):
3no. ps5 consoles
3no. 45? tv
Inverter 1100v livguard
150ah exide battery
1.5 ton whirlpool 6th sense ac
Egate projector
tp link camera
tp link wifi connect light system
10 bean bags
1no. counter table
4no. Tv tables
sliding door
price:6 LACK (negotiable)
Age:1 year
Document:shop and establishment license(available),bsme license(available),bbmp license(applied)
room size:240sqft
deposit+assets redeemable
3.5 lack primary assets
50k secondary assets
Total valuation 6 lacks
Monthly expenses:
electricity bill+rent=15000
Location:100m from kristu jayanti college kothanur bangalore.
Growth potential:
customers targeted only locally till now.
Digital marketing.
Interior renovation for more comfort.
Whatsapp:?+91 6360 392 298?
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