Livability Score is a measure of proximity of the property to essential facilities and amenities on a scale of 0 to 106
Transit Score is a measure of how well a property is served by public transit on a scale from 0 to 107.3
Powered By: Smart Recommendation
East facing, fully furnished, with 440 litre fridge, 42 inche tv, with set top box, sofa, bed with mattress in all 3 room, washing machine , microwave, ro water purifier, stove, gas pipeline, cupboards in all 3 room, 3 bathroom, nice garden/farm view, extra utility area, good ventilation, good sun light. No water charges. Euro school opposite to appartment with classes from nursery to 8. Three grocery store , 2 restaurant, saloon, dry cleaner, common area cleaning staff, security, common maintenance , automatic power backup, gym, club house with billiards, tt table, tennis court, basketball, football court in podium, children play areas in podium and 3 more places, very near to commercial places like dream mart which is 100 meters. Appartment has all commercial shops inside. Lots of other school is also there in radius of 2 km. Good sun light and open view, appartment has 80 percent open area, temple. It is a very vibrant society with lots of cultural programs, all festivals celebrated, high frequency of flea market with fun and commercial activity. Metro to electronic City starting from Jan 2025. Metro station just 2 km. Google map location of appartment
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