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CTS Number of Property: What is CTS Number in Property Card

Over the years, governments across different states in India have taken several initiatives to classify and identify land parcels. The Superintendent of Land Records in Mumbai introduced a system of associating land parcels with CTS(Chain and Triangulation Survey) Numbers

Written by Vivek Mishra

Published on January 22, 2022


Guidance Value in Bangalore 2024

The state government of Karnataka has recently decided to slash the guidance value of property in Bangalore by 10% starting from Jan 1, 2023. This comes as a major relief for the real estate sector in the city which continues to push back after the pandemic and lockdown’s effects. But do

Written by Kruthi

Published on January 20, 2022


Here’s How the RERA Telangana Has Helped Maintain the State Real Estate

The real estate sector in the country has always been shrouded in corruption and money laundering. The repeated cases have impacted people’s attitudes towards the real estate sector. To curb this and ensure a more transparent system, the Government of India introduced the Real Estate (Reg

Written by Vivek Mishra

Published on January 14, 2022


Transfer of Property Act: Meaning, Types and Laws

Initiating a home purchase involves a Transfer of Property Act-regulated purchase agreement. This legally binding document, signed by both sellers and buyers, solidifies agreements on closing costs, dates, and clauses. While contract specifics may vary globally, certain provisions remain

Written by Kruthi

Published on December 29, 2021


Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Hyderabad

Are you planning to buy a home in Hyderabad? The land of authentic dum biryani, it’s a great time to consider buying a house in the city as the Telangana state government is contemplating a slash in stamp duty and registration charges in Hyderabad. With the reduction imminent, let’s take

Written by Jessica Solomon

Published on December 24, 2021


Freehold Property and How It Can Affect Your Property Purchase in 2024

Freehold property is defined as “any estate which is "free from hold" of any entity besides the owner. Hence, the owner of such an estate enjoys free ownership for perpetuity and can use the land for any purposes however in accordance with the local regulations.”

Written by Kruthi

Published on December 22, 2021


Maharashtra Ready Reckoner Rate 2024

We all must have noticed that markets follow a simple rule - each product offered to the customer comes with a fixed minimum price that the buyer will have to pay under any circumstances. Sure, the cost of the product can go up depending on the external conditions, but it cannot go down t

Written by Kruthi

Published on December 14, 2021


All You Need to Know about Revenue Stamps

Before and after independence, India has been a big consumer of revenue stamps. Revenues were originally produced in the mid-nineteenth century, and they continue to be issued now. To collect taxes or fees, the revenue stamp is utilised. They are used to indicate the payment of a charge o

Written by Jessica Solomon

Published on December 11, 2021